Product Ratings and Reviews

Ratings and reviews by customers.

Product Ratings and Reviews

Ratings and reviews are important for promoting a product via customers' shared opinions. They develop a publisher's brand by helping to build trust.

The product page in the shop has a tab selector: the Reviews tab shows individual customers' ratings and reviews.

Who Can Rate and Review a Product

If a customer has purchased one or more subscriptions for a product then that customer may:

  • Enter a rating, which is measured in 1-5 stars.
  • Create and publish a review about the product.

ToolSpring limits customers to one rating and review for every distinct product purchased. However, at any time a rating/review may be edited and re-published, or deleted.

Average Scores

A product's shop page shows a star rating: the average score from all customers who have rated the product.

A publisher's shop page shows a star rating: the average score from all published products owned by the publisher.


ToolSpring automatically notifies you by email when:

  • A customer has published a new review of your product.
  • A customer has edited their review of your product.

These notifications are configurable. The publisher Notification Settings page has a section Product Reviews that shows a checkbox for every type of notification: uncheck the box for any notification that you do not wish to receive. You can access this page via Notification Settings on the publisher dashboard navigation menu.